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2025 Living History participants will be announced soon!

Want to be a part of the festivities? Click the button below to apply!



ActivitiesLiving History

California Cornish Cousins

The California Cornish Cousins is an organization founded in November 1991 to stimulate interest in Cornish culture, to preserve Cornish heritage and to share family histories and genealogy. Membership is open to any person of Cornish heritage or any person in full accord with the stated purposes of the Society.
Ethan Eller
March 26, 2024
ActivitiesLiving History

House of Gordon

Welcome to the House of Gordon USA! We are the families of the Scottish Clan Gordon in the United States of America. Our mission is to preserve and promote our unique heritage and Celtic culture, as we enjoy the fellowship and support of family and friends. Come Join Us at…
Ethan Eller
April 3, 2024
ActivitiesLiving History

Guild of St Margaret

Chartered and incorporated in 2022 the Guild of St. Margaret of Scotland, Inc. is a group of Historical Educators and Reenactors of varying degrees and abilities. A 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational corporation dedicated to educating the public on the history and culture of Scotland; we strive to entertain and educate at…
Ethan Eller
September 13, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Gold Country Highlanders

The Gold Country Celtic Society was organized to celebrate the culture of these proud people, many of whom, especially the Cornish and Welsh, worked the hard-rock mines and made our Nevada City – Grass Valley area famous. The Society wishes to perpetuate the Celtic tradition of music, dance, language, and…
Christy Eller
August 29, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Clan Cian

Clan Cian was founded and recognized by the late F. J. O'Carroll, of ile O'Carroll, Chief of the Name. Frederick Arthur James O'Carroll, has since assumed the mantle of Chief of the Name with the backing of his Council of Chieftains. Chief Fred, descends from the ancient Kings and Princes…
Christy Eller
August 29, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

The Shamrock Club of Sacramento

The Shamrock Club of Sacramento, was founded in 2005, as a nonprofit organization formed to preserve Irish culture and historical traditions, in the Sacramento Region. The club is a non-denominational, non-political social club, open to all those who wish to connect with their Irish Heritage or just want to learn…
Christy Eller
August 29, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Thistle House Actors Guild

Thistle House Actors Guild portrays the people of the Isle of Mann and all those that land upon its shores during the year of 1560. Thistle House is an historical re-enactment guild which trains new folk in the ways of a Renaissance actor and promotes the teaching of history to…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Merloch Silvermaine

A Seer, Sage, Sorcerer, and Storyteller whose magic is not about tricks but about life. He performs card tricks so mind-bendingly good that you’re likely to stay up an extra hour trying to figure out how he did it. Silvermaine does what great magicians do – he reduces cynical adults…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Lark’s Cove Actors Guild

Larks Cove depicts a Late Renaissance Scottish Guild (1580 to 1610), with a nautical theme. Some are Highlanders that have fled the mainland hoping to live in peace. They represent a noble house and the inhabitants of the Isle Mull, both the Manor and the seaport and have a variety…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Highlanders in the Mist

Highlanders in the Mist represent the highlands of Scotland. Made up of kinsfolk, mercenaries, and craftsmen, we are traveling through the highlands, securing the lands of our Chief (who may surprise us with a visit). While the men are out checking on the lands and cattle, the women take care…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Harvest Home Revelers Guild

The members of The Harvest Home Revelers guild thoroughly research medieval and Renaissance observances of ancient agrarian cycles of harvest and planting, then invest a great deal of energy and fun in re-enacting the “revels”, honoring life, death and re-birth in the year of a farming community. The entire troupe…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

Foothill Fibers Guild of Nevada County

For over 30 years, the Foothill Fibers Guild has brought together fiber artists – weavers, spinners, knitters, basket-makers, crocheters, and more – to share skills and experiences. Our members’ skills range from novice to expert. The guild includes many talented teachers, including locally- and internationally-known artists. Many members also raise…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023
ActivitiesLiving History

The Diamond Rose Academie d’Armes

The Diamond Rose Academie d’Armes is a historical fencing school dedicated to promoting the techniques and principles of Western European Martial Arts through the study and practice of fighting systems of the 16th through the 18th centuries. We do not stage or reenact swordplay, every duel fought is a genuine…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023
ActivitiesLiving HistoryUncategorized

Clan Galbraith

Clan Galbraith, Mercenaries of the Grampian Mountains,  is an entertainment troupe that portrays 15th/16th Century Scottish Highland Mercenaries. Our members come from all walks of life and backgrounds and enjoy sharing history through entertainment. Life in the Highlands was never easy, especially in the Grampian Mountains. Due to the constant…
Ethan Eller
February 21, 2023