Chartered and incorporated in 2022 the Guild of St. Margaret of Scotland, Inc. is a group of Historical Educators and Reenactors of varying degrees and abilities. A 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational corporation dedicated to educating the public on the history and culture of Scotland; we strive to entertain and educate at living history at Scottish Games, Renaissance Faires, and school events.
We strive to bring the realism and ambiance of the traveling Court of King James VI of Scotland and I of England. Generally Portraying the Year of 1603- The Year King James the Sixth of Scotland became King James the First of England. Because of unification of the crowns of Scotland and England did not happen until a century later in 1707, he was styled as King James the Sixth and First. Our days at faire include dueling, feasting, music, games, battles and of course an opportunity for you to meet and have a personal audience with His Majesty!
We do have several events where we may portray a different court whether it be another royal court such as that of Mary, Queen of Scots or a lesser court such as that of a Duke or Grand Duke.
We have Different households that our members are categorized in.
Ladies in Waiting, Courtiers & Ambassadors, House Members and members of the Royal Family.
Membership classes and requirements are laid out in our bylaws and can be found on our joining page.
If you do not have a period accurate outfit, we do have contacts to several costumers and companies and we will gladly help you in anyway we can. Several of our members may even loan you garb if you need it for a short period of time.
We are currently awaiting for the Federal and State Governments to give us final Nonprofit status; But we have been given preliminary status.